The Group of Mathematical Physics of the
University of Lisbon prepared the 14th International Congress on
Mathematical Physics, an event held every 3 years.
Around 1000 participants were expected and this was the biggest
scientific event ever organized in the Iberian Peninsula for this
interdisciplinary field of research. |
The Young Researchers
Symposium (YRS) was held immediately before ICMP 2003,
at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. |
satellite meetings
are also scheduled, in the Iberian Peninsula and outside. |
Recent news |
Session pages:
The list of posters for each session is now included in
the corresponding page (after the list of talks). If you notice some mistake or missing data, please contact |
We now have a page about the opening session, including a transcription of the intervention by H.E. the President of the Portuguese Republic, Dr. Jorge Sampaio. |
To all participants in the ICMP 2003 and the Young Researchers
Symposium: |
Our main sponsor is the European Commission (High Level Scientific
Conference HPCF-CT-2002-00368). It is very important to answer the
questionnaire on-line prepared by this commission, and whose goal is to
evaluate the impact of the YRS and ICMP, since the support of such
events may depend on your evaluation.
Please go to
For section 1 you will need the information on our contract with this
commission. These informations are the following:
Contract number: HPCF-CT-2002-00368
Event Number 1 - Euroconference (ECONF)
Proposal short title: Young Researchers Symposium
Event Number 2 - Large Conference (LCONF)
Proposal short title: ICMP 2003.
Thank you for your participation, and also for your cooperation
with this questionnaire. We look forward to see you again in Lisbon
(on a smaller scale!).
The organization committee of the YRS and ICMP2003.
Conference location |
The main activity took place in the
University of Lisbon, at the Aula Magna of the Reitoria.
Some sessions took place at the "Salão Nobre"
of the Reitoria and at the largest amphitheater of the
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da
Educação. >> Location information |
![[Photo: Reitoria, University of Lisbon]](reitoria0_th.jpg)
University of Lisbon: Reitoria |
Programme |
Plenary lectures:
one-hour talks by invited speakers during which no other congress
activities took place. |
Each session consisted of 3 hours of invited talks of a length between
15 and 30 minutes. For each session, there was a poster session which
allowed to discuss with the authors in a friendly environment. |
The full conference
schedule is available. |
Information for authors |
World Scientific will publish the Proceedings of ICMP 2003.
Authors contributing to these Proceedings were expected to come
to the Congress with their papers in digital format and ready for publication.
Please check the instructions for submission
of papers. |
Henri Poincaré Prize |
The IAMP awarded the Henri Poincaré Prize,
sponsored by the Daniel Iagolnitzer Foundation.
Huzihiro Araki, Elliott Lieb and
Oded Schramm were awarded this prize
in Lisbon at the ICMP 2003,
and each gave a special Henri Poincaré Lecture during the
Young Researchers Symposium. |
Contacts |
Organizing committee:
Grupo de Física Matemática
da Universidade de Lisboa
Av. Prof. Gama Pinto, 2
P-1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: +351 217904727
Fax: +351 217954288
Email: |
K.I.T. Congressos e Incentivos, Lda.
Ref.: "XIV International Congress
on Mathematical Physics"
Rua Pedro Monjardino, Lote 11, 1º Dto
P-1600-892 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: +351 217220010
Fax: +351 217220019
Email for registration: |
Travel agency:
AIMS International Portugal
Rua Garrett, 61-63
P-1200-203 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: +351 213245052/53/54
Fax: +351 213245051
Email: |
International scientific committee |
Jean Bellissard (Toulouse)
Giovanni Felder (Zürich)
Elliott Lieb (Princeton)
Werner Nahm (Bonn)
Herbert Spohn (Munich)
Robert Wald (Chicago)
Jean-Claude Zambrini (Lisbon) |
International advisory committee |
Sergio Albeverio (Bonn)
Jean-Michel Bismut (Orsay)
Eric A. Carlen (Atlanta)
Vaughan F. R. Jones (Berkeley)
Yasha G. Sinai (Princeton)
Marcelo Viana (Rio de Janeiro)
Jakob Yngvason (Wien) |
Local organizing committee |
It includes: |
A. Bivar (CMAF, Univ. of Lisbon)
B. Cabral (GFMUL, Univ. of Lisbon)
A. Cannas (I.S.T., Lisbon)
M.C. Carvalho (GFMUL., Univ. of Lisbon)
A.B. Cruzeiro (I.S.T., Lisbon)
F. Duarte Santos (CFNUL, Univ. of Lisbon)
R. L. Fernandes (I.S.T., Lisbon)
P. Freitas (I.S.T., Lisbon)
V. Konotop (CFMC, Univ. of Lisbon)
M. Mackaay (Univ. of Algarve)
L.T. Magalhães (I.S.T., Lisbon)
N. Manojlovic (Univ. of Algarve)
J. Mourão (I.S.T., Lisbon)
O. Neto (CMAF, Univ. of Lisbon)
A. Nunes (CMAF, Univ. of Lisbon)
J.P. Nunes (I.S.T., Lisbon)
J.A. Perdigão Dias da Silva (CELC, Univ. of Lisbon)
R. Picken (I.S.T., Lisbon)
J. Rezende (GFMUL, Univ. of Lisbon)
R. Schiappa (U.C.P., Lisbon)
L. Streit (Univ. of Madeira)
J. N. Tavares (Univ. of Oporto)
R. Vilela Mendes (GFMUL, I.S.T., Lisbon) |
In Lisbon, the local committee
is built
around J.C. Zambrini (GFMUL). |
of ICMP 2003 and YRS |
· International Association
of Mathematical Physics
· European Commission,
Scientific Conferences, contract HPCF-2002-00368
· International Union of Pure
and Applied Physics
· International Mathematical
· Clay Mathematics Institute
· Fundação Calouste
· Fondation Culturelle Daniel Iagolnitzer
· European Physical Society
· Abdus Salam International Centre
for Theoretical Physics
· National Science Foundation USA
· Ambassade de France au
· Portuguese Mathematical Society
· Fundação Luso-Americana
· Ministério da Educação
· Fundação Oriente
· Nestlé Portugal
· Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
· Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa
· Group of Mathematical Physics
of the University of Lisbon
· Center for Mathematical
Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems
· Centro de Matemática e
· Centro de Matemática e
Aplicações Fundamentais
· Centro de Estruturas
Lineares e Combinatórias
Scientific publishers:
· American Institute of Physics
· Birkhäuser Verlag
· Cambridge University Press
· Institute of Physics
· Kluwer Academic Publishers
. Oxford University Press
· Springer-Verlag
· World Scientific
Colophon |