ICMP 2003

Satellite meetings

Various satellite meetings of ICMP 2003 are scheduled for 2003, in the Iberian Peninsula and outside. As soon as their local organizers have the final confirmation of their dates, they are invited to contact us. The relevant information will be included here.

June 18-23 and 24-27
SWAGP03: School and Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Physics, 2003
URL: http://mukai.usal.es/wagp03/
Email: wagp03@mukai.usal.es
Organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Salamanca, in collaboration with the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste. The event will consist of two parts:
1. A School from Thursday 19 to Monday 23 June, serving as an introduction to the topics of the workshop that follows.
2. A Workshop entitled Geometric Integral Transforms and Applications from Tuesday 24 to Friday 27 June.
Advisory committee: E. Arbarello, R. Dijkgraaf, R. Donagi, M. Douglas, B. Dubrovin, M.S. Narasimhan, C. Viallet
Scientific committee: D. Hernandez Ruiperez, J.M. Muñoz Porras, J. Mateos Guilarte (Salamanca), C. Bartocci (Genova), U. Bruzzo (SISSA)
July 7-11
Recent Trends in Dynamics 2003
URL: http://www.fc.up.pt/cmup/rtd/
Email: rtd@fc.up.pt
Scientific committee: M. Lyubich, J. Palis, Y. Sinaï, S. van Strien, M. Viana, J.-C. Yoccoz
Organizing committee: J.F. Alves, V. Araújo, M. Carvalho, F.J. Moreira, J. Rocha
July 15-19
Progress in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics (PSQM'03)
URL: http://metodos.fam.cie.uva.es/~susy_qm_03/
Email: susy_qm_03@metodos.fam.cie.uva.es
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) represents nowadays a quickly developing area with numerous applications in different fields of theoretical and mathematical physics. There are several research groups, as well as a sufficiently large amount of scientists, actively working in this field and presenting their results in different adjacent Conferences. We believe that now is just the time to assemble all of them together. Indeed, this will be the first Conference devoted specifically to SUSY QM, and we hope that it will not be the last.
The aim of this Conference is to join active researchers in this field together with well recognized experts, in order to have the opportunity to discuss on recent progress and new lines of research, and to revise the most important successes in the area.
The Conference will be organised in sixteen plenary talks (40 minutes) plus up to fifty 20 minutes talks. No parallel sessions will take place. If necessary, there will be some space reserved for the presentation of posters.
International organizing committee: D. J. Fernandez C. (CINVESTAV, Mexico DF, Mexico), V. Hussin (CRM, Montreal, Canada), J. Negro (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain), L. M. Nieto (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain), B. Samsonov (Tomsk State University, Russia)
Local organizing committee: J. Negro (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain), L. M. Nieto (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
July 15 - October 15
Madeira Math Encounters XXV
URL: http://www.uma.pt/Investigacao/Ccm/events.html
Email: ccm@uma.pt
Since 1991 the Universidade da Madeira is hosting extended workshops in the mathematical sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Computation, ...) with the twofold goal of stimulating local and collaborative research in these fields and of offering on Madeira an open international forum for scientific exchange.
July 17-20
XIIth Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics
URL: http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~jmourao/om/omxii/
The aim of the Oporto meetings is to bring together mathematicians and physicists interested in the inter-relation between geometry, topology and physics and to provide them with a pleasant and informal environment for scientific interchange. The main topic of our XIIth edition will be: MATHEMATICS & STRING THEORY.
Organizing committee: José Mourão (Lisbon, IST), Roger Picken (Lisbon, IST), João Nuno Tavares (Oporto, FCUP)
July 21-24
Mathematical Problems in Quantum Mechanics
URL: http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~pfreitas/mpqm/mpqm.html
The meeting will focus on topics such as Dirac and Pauli operators, many-body systems, quantum waveguide systems and spectral geometry.
Organizing committee: Pavel Exner (Prague), Pedro Freitas (Lisbon), Jan Philip Solovej (Copenhagen)
July 21-25
Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems
URL: http://www.ualg.pt/cma/idaquis/announcement.html
Organizing committee: C. Burdik, P.P. Kulish, N. Manojlovic, H. Samtleben, A. Stolin, J.-C. Zambrini
July 23-24
Workshop on Categorification and Higher-Order Geometry
URL: http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~rpicken/CHOG2003
July 23-26
CFIF Workshop on Time Asymmetric Quantum Theory: the Theory of Resonances
URL: http://cfif.ist.utl.pt/~res2003/
Organizing committee: Arno Bohm (Texas), Lidia S. Ferreira (IST, Lisbon), M. Gadella (Valladolid), Nathan Harshman (Texas)
August 7-12
Joint MaPhySto and QUANTOP Workshop on Quantum Measurements and Quantum Stochastics
URL: http://www.maphysto.dk/events2/QPFA2003/
Email: maphysto@maphysto.dk
In recent years the subject of quantum measurement has attracted a lot of attention from the physics, mathematics and computer science communities. To a large extent this has happened due to the growth of the new interdisciplinary area of quantum information. The workshop will bring together some of the leading experts in the field of quantum measurement and stochastics from the mathematics, experimental and theoretical physics sides.
Organizing committee: Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen (MaPhySto, University of Aarhus), Richard D. Gill (University of Utrecht), Elena R. Loubenets (MaPhySto, University of Aarhus), Klaus Mølmer (QUANTOP, University of Aarhus), Eugene Polzik (QUANTOP, University of Copenhagen)
September 8-10
XII Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics
URL: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~geomfis/
Email: geomfis@mat.uc.pt
The program includes two mini-courses, invited and contributed talks and also poster sessions.
Organizing committee: J. da Costa, H. Albuquerque, R. Caseiro, J. Correia, J. Gallardo
Scientific committee: J. de Azcárraga (U. Valencia), P. Pérez (U. Salamanca), M. del Olmo (U. Valladolid), A. Romero (U. Granada), J. Cariñena (U. Zaragoza), M. Lecanda (U.P.C. Barcelona), A. Ibort (U. Carlos III de Madrid), M. de León (C.S.I.C. Madrid), A. López (U.C. Madrid), J. Marrero (U. La Laguna), R. Picken (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)