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ICMP 2003 > Submission of posters |
Deadline extended to May 26
The submission is possible as soon as you are registered. The deadline for submissions is May 26. A few posters will be selected to be presented as a talk. The submission is electronic and divided by session as follows:
Session: |
Email poster to: |
Dynamical systems | anunes@ptmat.fc.ul.pt | |
Integrable systems and random matrix theory | nmanoj@ualg.pt | |
Condensed matter physics | conf2003@cii.fc.ul.pt | |
Equilibrium statistical mechanics | ben@adonis.cii.fc.ul.pt | |
Quantum field theory | jmourao@math.ist.utl.pt | |
Operator algebras and quantum information | orlando@ptmat.fc.ul.pt | |
String and M Theory | rpicken@math.ist.utl.pt | |
Fluids dynamics and nonlinear PDEs | rezende@cii.fc.ul.pt | |
General relativity | jpnunes@math.ist.utl.pt | |
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | ben@adonis.cii.fc.ul.pt | |
Quantum mechanics and spectral theory | pfreitas@math.ist.utl.pt | |
Path integrals and stochastic analysis | cruzeiro@math.ist.utl.pt |
The standard format of poster is A0 panel (84x119 [cm]); provide a title as informative as possible; provide an Abstract in PDF format (around 20 lines).
Please entitle your mail: "ICMP03-<session-name>" and do not forget to indicate explicitly your session.