ICMP 2003

Conference location

Location photos
Select each image to see the full photo

The main activity took place in the University of Lisbon, at the Aula Magna of the Reitoria. Some sessions took place at the "Salão Nobre" of the Reitoria (up the big stairs) and at the largest amphitheater of the Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação.

We suggested participants to download, print and bring with them a partial campus map [PDF, 512kB], showing the buildings mentioned here. This is a one-page document which also includes location photos and some transportation info:

The above is best for printing, but ocasionally you may prefer to see (directly in your browser) just the map, as an image [928×742 PNG, 48kB]:


Public transport company Carris provides a nice detailed transportation map [PDF, compressed as ZIP] for Lisbon. It has too much detail for convenient printing in A4 or Letter size, but can be easily browsed (with zooming) on screen if you have PDF reading software. If you prefer you can also see it as a raster image with your web browser (non-scalable version). Once you reach Lisbon, it will be easy for you to get a printed version of this map.

In order to help you find the campus in it, we present here a part of the Carris map showing the conference location (search for "ICMP2003"; the red circle marks the spot).

If your browser supports Flash, perhaps you may also find useful an interactive map provided by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.

The best ways to reach the conference location are:

If you plan to use the bus and/or subway regularly during your stay in Lisbon, perhaps the cheapest way to do it is to buy a Tourism Pass, valid for travel in the subway and Carris for 4 days (9.95 €) or 7 days (14.10 €).

One possible transportation between the airport and several parts of Lisbon (not, directly, the conference location) is the Aero-Bus / Hotel Shuttle, "a service between Lisbon Airport, the City Center, Praça do Comércio (connection with railway to Algarve) and Cais Sodré (connection with railway to Estoril/Cascais), serving most of Lisbon hotels." It operates from 7:45 until 20:45 (departures every 20 minutes).